Tuesday, 18 August 2015

ADF Life Cycle

Hi All

In this Post  I would like to discuss about ADF life cycle .
When a request is sent from client to server , the application invokes ADF pagelife cycle , an extended version of JSF life cycle. The following diagram will help you to understand the extended phases of ADF life cycle compared to JSF life cycle.

So, the phases of ADF life cycle will includes

  1. Restore View
  2. ADF Init Context
  3. ADF Prepare Model
  4. Apply Request Values
  5. Process Validation
  6. Update Model Values
  7. ADF Validate Model Updates
  8. Invoke Application
  9. ADF Metadata Commit
  10. ADF Prepare Render
  11. Render Response

I will try to explain this in a simple way
When a request is sent from client to server
1)   ADF frame work will do some pre-processing. ADF frame work will provide ADFBindingFilter , which is defined on web.xml . ADFBindingFilter will find an existing Binding Context (if it is in current session)  or create a new Binding Context . Binding Context holds the mappings of pages , Page Definition files , list of data controls used etc., as a run time representation of DataBindings.cpx file.
2)      Binding Context which stores the information of ADF life cycle will be initialized with associated request and Binding Container.(The binding container contains the control bindings of a reusable units like region, page etc., Binding Container is a request scope map)
3)      During the Prepare Model phase life cycle invokes the refresh method on the Binding Container .Prepare Model will executes any executables (iterators etc.,)whose refresh property is set to prepareModel
4)      Input values will be stored in temporary location and initialized
5)   Validations on input data will be imposed (like conversion to underlying data types ,validations etc.,)
6)      The local values will be discarded and updated in the model.
7)      Validations will be done at model level , like the updated attribute value will be validated at EO level .
8)      Any action bindings will be invoked in this phase
9)      Changes to run time metadata are committed. This phase stores any run time changes made to the application using the Metadata Service (MDS)
10)   The binding container is refreshed to allow for any changes that may have occurred in the Apply Request Values or Validation phases
11)   Finally The page will appear in this Phase

Please go through the following link for more information


Saturday, 1 August 2015

Jdeveloper Memory settings for better Performance:

Hi All

Usually we face the memory running low error with Jdeveloper . We can optimize this  by using some setting for Jdeveloper .

From different sources I have found these settings will optimize the performance

I am listing those below

1) Locate your jdev.conf file , it will be at the following path if your Jdeveloper was installed on C drive.


Open jdev.conf file 

As Jdev runs on JVM we can keep some settings related to JVM to increase the performance

Add the following settings :

#optimization of  JVM for strings / text editing
AddVMOption -XX:+UseStringCache
AddVMOption -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat
AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedStrings

# if you are using a 64-bit system (less than 32 GB RAM) to reduce object pointer memory size we can use
AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedOops

# we can use aggressive garbage collector
AddVMOption -XX:+AggressiveOpts

2) Locate your ide.conf file at the path C:\Oracle\Middleware\jdeveloper\ide\bin

The default memory settings will be
AddVMOption  -Xmx800M
AddVMOption  -Xms128M

We can increase the memory of minimum and maximum heap spaces to 

AddVMOption  -Xmx1024M
AddVMOption  -Xms1024M

3) Go to Tools -> Preferences -> File Types -> Default Editors

and set Default Editor as source for html , jsf , jsp pages

4) As Oracale Themes have styles compared to windows
we can set the Look and feel to Windows  instead of Oracle @the following path
Tools -> Preferences -> Environment -> Look and Feel

* Should  Restart Your Jdeveloper once these settings are done.


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